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Up-To-Date Eviction Notices for residential evictions

Section 8 eviction notice – for fault grounds possession

Landlords should use this form where possession of property is sought on one of the grounds in Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988. The property must be let under an assured tenancy, an assured agricultural occupancy or an assured shorthold tenancy.

Section 21 eviction notice: for a no fault possession notice on an assured shorthold tenancy

Landlords should use this form where a no fault possession of accommodation let under an assured shorthold tenancy is sought under section 21(1) or (4) of the Housing Act 1988.

Here are the supporting notes for the section 21 eviction process.

Reactivation Notice

A reactivation notice is required where a landlord made a possession claim to the court before 3 August 2020. This must be served on the tenants and filed with the court. 

Prescribed forms for landlords

Assured and assured shorthold tenancies are the type of residential tenancy agreements used by most private landlords and housing associations. The Housing Acts of 1988 and 1996 set out the rules relating to these type of tenancies.

Landlords must follow certain rules laid down in the regulations. This includes serving various notices and completing particular forms. Some of the forms required must be in a particular format. These are commonly referred to as prescribed forms.

The forms are called prescribed forms because the wording in them has been carefully drafted to ensure the parties involved have a clear understanding of what is being proposed and what options are available to them. Failure to serve the correct form may have significant repercussions to include invalidating the action that is being proposed.

The forms must not be amended unless the form expressly gives permission to amend.  If you change the wording, the form may be invalidated. You must also comply with any notice periods set out in the form.

Notice proposing different terms for a Statutory Periodic Tenancy

Landlords (or tenants) can use this notice to propose changes to the terms of a statutory periodic tenancy.

Application referring a Notice proposing different terms for a Statutory Periodic Tenancy to the Tribunal

Landlords (or tenants) can use this form should when served with form 1 (notice under Section 6(2) of the Housing Act 1988), varying the terms of a statutory periodic tenancy.

Section 8 eviction notice – for fault grounds possession

Landlords should use this form where possession of property is sought on one of the grounds in Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988. The property must be let under an assured tenancy, an assured agricultural occupancy or an assured shorthold tenancy.

Landlord’s Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy of premises situated in England.

Landlords should use this notice when proposing a new rent under an assured periodic tenancy (including an assured shorthold periodic tenancy) of premises situated in England.

Landlord’s or Licensor’s Notice proposing a new rent or license fee under an Assured Agricultural Occupancy of premises situated in England

Landlords should use this notice when proposing a new rent or licence fee for an assured agricultural occupancy of premises situated in England.

Section 21 eviction notice: for a no fault possession notice on an assured shorthold tenancy

Landlords should use this form where a no fault possession of accommodation let under an assured shorthold tenancy is sought under section 21(1) or (4) of the Housing Act 1988.

Here are the supporting notes for the section 21 eviction process.